Leaflets of Our Resistance

Leaflets of Our Resistance offers you - our readers and supporters - an opportunity to get in the game, so to speak. This anthology is among our favorite publications, as it gives us a chance to learn from others who are equally committed to Holocaust studies and keeping "memory" alive.

Each collection of essays is divided into three sections: Honoring the SurvivorsHonoring Those Who Resisted, and Dangerous Words: To Live By. The first two are self-explanatory. The third combines articles concerning injustices of our day (i.e., a "write your own leaflet" exercise) with articles about informed dissent or civil disobedience in general. The latter type of article can discuss historical informed dissent or civil disobedience from a historical perspective (Vietnam era, or post-World-War-One protests), or the effectiveness-morality-wisdom of passive/active resistance.

We simply ask that you keep triumphalist-religion out of it. Articles about religious personages are fine (LOOR Volume I discussed Dietrich Bonhoeffer and how his faith played a role in his decision to resist). But nothing that even remotely hints at "my religion is better than your religion" or "all Baptists-Catholics-Lutherans-Festivers resisted Hitler". Unless you like rejection slips!

Your article may be in the form of a personal essay, "easy-to-read" paper, annotated interview - anything that will illuminate and enlighten. And capture the interest of high school students and undergraduates, our primary target audience. [NOTE: We do in fact welcome essays from high school students and college undergraduates!]

Suggested topics, although feel free to explore areas outside these parameters:

  • Lesser-known resistance personages, or non-German resistance; interviews with Holocaust survivors - RESPECTFUL interviews;
  • Warsaw Ghetto uprising and the people associated with it;
  • Interviews (again, RESPECTFUL interviews) with US soldiers that broaden our understanding of what occurred during the Shoah;
  • Portraits of families (German or Jewish) who lived during the Third Reich, based on primary source documents or direct, personal, RESPECTFUL interviews; and,
  • Comparative journalism on events during the Holocaust.

    And always remember to check our Call For Papers for ideas!

Click here for Submission Guidelines for our anthologies. Most important aspects of those guidelines related to Leaflets: Your credentials; general outline of the research you intend to undertake or article you want to write; bibliography or proposed sources. For students (either college undergraduates or high school students), please submit recommendations from two teachers or professors.

Teachers and professors, please note: If one of your students or a group of your students wishes to conduct an interview, please supervise! There are horror stories "out there" of the disrespect that is shown these elderly people whose stories are critical to remembering, and remembering well. 

If you would like a free copy of our How to Interview Shoah Survivors and Other Heroes of the Holocaust, please contact us.