Collection: Anthologies

Our anthologies provide a brief glimpse into the lives and actions of various resistance movements, Shoah survivors, and events during the nightmare we call the Holocaust. We feature vignettes of life. What it was like to simply attempt to live from one day to the next, in hiding, fearful at the next footstep. The sort of courage it took to undertake the smallest act of resistance. Portraits of those whose names we do not know, although we should.

These anthologies also give voice to our own resistance against injustice. These anthologies seek Common Ground, they celebrate Community, we put pen to paper about things that matter, Leaflets of Our Resistance.

Lend your ears to true stories worth hearing. Lend your voices to spreading the message of liberty and justice for all.

All product images © Exclamation! Publishers and Denise Heap.

Heading image © Denise Heap 2024.

Please contact us for permission to use.

2 products
  • Leaflets of Our Resistance: Volume II
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  • Leaflets of Our Resistance: Volume I
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